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Muscongus Bay Three-Day

Quick Details


Ages 18+

$ 645


Ages 13-17

$ 645

A Three-Day Sea Kayaking Exploration of Muscongus Bay’s Wild Islands

Muscongus Bay holds no major harbors, and its shores are sparsely populated. That makes it a much quieter and wilder environment than many stretches of southern Maine’s coast — and a perfect destination for sea kayaking. Hundreds of tiny islands scattered across the bay provide plenty of sites for kayakers to camp, while countless rock ledges offer harbor seals plenty of sites to haul out for a rest. While few large boats cruise these waters, this is prime lobstering territory, so lobster boats and buoys abound. Muscongus Bay is especially renowned for its rich birding opportunities and other wildlife-viewing potential.

Where You’ll Paddle

You’ll start this trip in one of two small fishing harbors — either Round Pond on the west side of the bay or Friendship on the east side. From there the group will island-hop towards the center of the bay, with possible camping spots including Thief Island, Black Island, Hog Island and Crow Island. Along the way you’ll find plenty of opportunities to observe seals and other wildlife. At some point you’ll likely paddle along the shores of Hog Island, which is home to a large Audubon Sanctuary and nature-study camp. If conditions allow, you may kayak into the outer islands that are most exposed to the ocean, potentially visiting Franklin Island lighthouse and enjoying views of Monhegan Island, one of the most remote inhabited islands on the Maine coast.

The itinerary will depend on the conditions and the group. You can expect to paddle for several hours each day, with many breaks along the way. There will also be plenty of time for exploring and relaxing on the islands. Your guide will choose a route that takes maximum advantage of the wind direction and tidal currents, while ensuring that the group moves at a pace that is comfortable for all participants.

More Info

CLICK HERE for a detailed packing list and tips on packing a sea kayak!

For an in depth sample trip itinerary CLICK HERE!